Space to breathe

Most people are involved in quite demanding roles, whether at work, at home, in relationships, or life in general. Our resources become depleted and our tanks run empty if we don't consciously refill them through self-care, relaxation and regulation.

High levels of stress (distress) can be detrimental to our physical, emotional and mental health.  When people feel overwhelmed by the cares and pressures of life, I specialise in creating a loving, caring, supportive space in which to breathe. I create a physical, emotional and cognitive space where you can unpack, explore, discard, feel safe and supported, relax, reconstruct and refuel your tank, to continue your journey with ease.

I draw on my experience, training and mentorship from experts, to explore with you, tools, strategies or therapeutic resources to enable you to cope with life’s challenges and improve the quality of your life.

Some of the life demands that drain our resources include…

  • Real and vicarious exposure to life stressors, including global wars, natural disasters, gender-based violence, oppression and suffering.
  • Working in caring, high-need professions, such as teaching, policing or protection services, health care professions, or high-pressured, high-demand work environments
  • Caring for an elderly parent, or a child with additional needs or difficulties of any kind, parenting in general, or a demanding relationship
  • Feeling unfulfilled, not finding meaning or purpose in life yet, feeling confused and overwhelmed; lonely or alone
  • Coping with change, including loss, relocation, retirement, unemployment, change in relationship status, empty nest, childbirth, or any other change that may require adjustment

© Copyright Dr Beverley Feldman